Senior Consultant: Maya Kirkhope
Senior Consultant: Tim Mottet
Associate Consultant: Kristin McClanahan
St. Catherine University (St. Kate’s) invites nominations and applications for the position of Senior Vice President and Provost (Provost). Located in St. Paul, Minnesota, St. Kate’s is one of the largest private women’s universities and among the most comprehensive Catholic universities in the U.S. The university is home to more than 3,500 students and offers access to 100 academic programs in associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate, and certificate programs. St. Kate’s has 236 full-time faculty, 171 part-time faculty, and 363 staff members. The new Provost will assume office as soon as possible.
St. Kate’s seeks a proven academic leader for the position of Provost. The Provost will serve as the chief academic officer who is administratively responsible for academic affairs and who serves as a key member of the University Leadership Team led by the newly appointed president, Dr. Marcheta Evans.
The Provost has the primary responsibility for enhancing the quality of and advocating for academic programs through the promotion of inclusive excellence and innovation in teaching and scholarship. Additionally, the Provost leads the Provost’s Council and works closely with the academic deans and senior academic affairs administrators to shape an environment of enhanced collaboration among schools and colleges, and to cultivate consistent university-wide policies including curriculum development, tenure, and promotion. The other direct reports to the Provost are the heads of Institutional Research, Planning, and Accreditation; Global Studies; the Center for Women; the Registrar; and the Endowed Chairs for Mission (Women’s Education, Catholic Identity, and Liberal Arts).
The search for St. Catherine University’s next Senior Vice President and Provost is being assisted by Maya Ranchod Kirkhope and Tim Mottet from Academic Search. Applications, nominations, and expressions of interest can be submitted in confidence to Though applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled, materials received by December 11, 2024, are assured full consideration. For more information about the institution, position, qualifications, and application process, please review the search profile, available for download on the link above. Additional information about St. Catherine University is available at
St. Catherine University is an equal opportunity employer. Our commitment to inclusion reflects the central value of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet to “love of neighbor without distinction” and provides a learning and working environment that is enriched by the diversity of all our members. Individuals of religious, racial, ethnic, gender identity, nation of origin, or disability groups that have traditionally had less representation in higher education are encouraged to apply. Should you need an interview accommodation please contact us at or 651-690-6565.