Troy Adair
Dean for the College of Business
Athens State University
Amanda Albrecht
Dean of the College of Business and Professional Studies
Missouri Western State University
Dr. Ross Alexander
Texas A&M University Texarkana
Dr. Heather Barry
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
St. Joseph’s University New York
Dr. Mechelle Best
Dean of the College of Health and Human Development
California State University, Northridge
Dr. Rashanda R. Booker
University Diversity Officer
California State University, Fresno
Ron Brade
Senior Vice President of Administration and Chief Operating Officer
Xavier University of Louisiana
Dr. Stacey Lowery Bretz
Dean of the Getty College of Arts & Sciences
Ohio Northern University
Terryl Brown
Vice President and General Counsel
Pace University
Rev. Dr. Lee Hayward Butler, Jr.
Iliff School of Theology
Jay Byers
Simpson College
Dr. Dale G. Caldwell
Centenary University
Dr. Brian Carolan
Dean of the School of Education
Manhattanville College
Dr. Sonya Christian
California Community Colleges
Dr. Marta Yera Cronin
Delaware County Community College
Mary Kathleen (Kayt) Conrad
Vice President of Finance and Administration
Coe College
Dr. Laurie Couch
Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Salisbury University
Dr. Phyllis Curtis-Tweed
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Queensborough Community College CUNY
Dr. Terry DeVito
Dean of the School of Health and Sciences
Bay Path University
Elizabeth Dill
Dean of the University Library
California State University, Long Beach
Dr. Amy D’Olivo
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Centenary University
Dr. David Doré
Virginia Community College System
Dr. Jennifer J. Dugan
Muskingum University
Paul Edwards
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Western Illinois University
Dr. Daniel J. Ennis
Delta State University
Paul Erbes
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Morningside University
Craig Erwin
Vice President for Administration
University of Mary Washington
Dr. Sarah Ewing
Provost and Vice President for Student Experience
Gannon University
Dr. Stephen Ferris
Dean of the Eberly College of Business
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Harvey L. Fiser
Dean of the Else School of Management
Millsaps College
Dr. Adrienne Forgette
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Clark State College
Dr. DeWayne Frazier
American University of Nigeria
Dr. Nicholas Fuentes
Director of Disability Accommodations & Support Services
California State University, Channel Islands
Dr. Jason Garrett
Dean of the School of Business
The University of North Texas at Dallas
Dr. Scott E. Grasman
Dean of the College of Engineering
Kettering University
Dr. Daniel Grassian
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
Shad Hanselman
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Saint Martin’s University
Dr. Jeanne Hamming
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Gettysburg College
Dr. Deborah Hardy
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Dr. Josh Hibbard
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Whitworth University
Dr. Lerong He
Dean of the School of Business
SUNY Geneseo
Dr. Kevin Hearn
Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Westfield State University
Dr. Torie Jackson
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
Dr. Camille Su-Lin Johnson
Dean of the College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dr. Laurie M. Joyner
St. Norbert College
Michael Kelly
Vice President for Finance and Administration
SUNY Fredonia
Dr. Deanna Kennedy
Dean of the College of Business and Economics
Western Washington University
Dr. Andrew Ketsdever
Dean of the College of Engineering
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Scott Koerwer
Executive Director of Iacocca Institute
Lehigh University
Dr. Kara Kolomitz
Chief Operating Officer
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University
Dr. Meera Komarraju
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
California State University, Northridge
Dr. Michel Kouadio
Chief Information Officer
SUNY Fredonia
Dr. Sandeep Krishnamurthy
Singelyn Family Dean for the College of Business Administration
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dr. Mark Lausch
Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis
Richard LeRoy
Vice President for University Advancement
California State University, Channel Islands
Barbara J. Lawrence
Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Belonging
University of New Haven
Dr. Jasmine A. Lee
Vice President for Equity and Inclusive Excellence
Goucher College
Dr. Nelly Lejter Morales
Dean of the Graduate School of Education
Touro University
Rod Leveque
Vice President for Marketing & Communications
Occidental College
Allison Lichter
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY
Dr. Flavius R.W. Lilly
McDaniel College
Todd Lineburger
Vice President for Communications and Marketing
Muhlenberg College
Dr. Sheryl Long
Dean of the School of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Meredith College
Dr. Gail Mackin
Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs
Colorado State University Pueblo
Dr. Michael Mathis
Dean of the College of Graduate Studies
Tarleton State University
Dr. Lyda McCartin
Director of the School of Information Science
University of South Carolina
Dr. William McClure
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
SUNY New Paltz
Jared Menghini
Vice President of Enrollment Management
Wilkes University
Dr. Emily Messer
Texas Wesleyan University
Dr. Charla Miertschin
Dean of the College of Science and Engineering
Abilene Christian University
Donald Miles
Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics Executive Director
University of South Carolina
Dr. Kaustav Misra
Dean of the School of Business
SUNY Fredonia
Dr. Rafik Mohamed
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
California State University, San Bernardino
Dr. Enrique Morales-Díaz
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
SUNY Oneonta
Dr. Jennifer Mueller
Dean of the College of Education
DePaul University
Dr. Tricia Mulligan
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Iona University
Joel Munza
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Xavier University of Louisiana
Grant Myers
Vice President of Enrollment Management
Hesston College
Dr. Lance Nail
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The University of Southern Mississippi
Dr. Dirk Nelson
Dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Abilene Christian University
Dr. Ifeoma Kiddoe Nwankwo
Dean of the College of Liberal & Creative Arts
San Francisco State University
Dr. KerryAnn O’Meara
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost and Dean of the College
Teachers College, Columbia University
Dr. Joshue Orozco
Vice President for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Whitworth University
Dr. Anna Ortiz
Dean of the College of Education
California State University, Long Beach
Kelle Pack
Vice President, Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the Owens Community College Foundation
Owens Community College
Dr. Ron K. Patterson
Chadron State College
Christopher K. Peace
Vice President for Student Affairs
Council of Independent Colleges
Dr. Patricia A. Pérez
Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs
California State University, Long Beach
Dr. Rhonda Phillips
Chatham University
Dr. Jenelle S. Pitt-Parker
Dean of the College of Education and Integrative Studies
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Stefanie Powell
Vice President of Business and Finance/Chief Financial Officer
Saint Martin’s University
Dr. Kristen Raney
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Dr. Hazem Rashed-Ali
Dean of the College of Architecture and Construction Management
Kennesaw State University
bec rollins
Vice Chancellor for University Relations
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dr. Justin Rose
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
University of Redlands
Dr. Jerry Ross
Chief Enrollment Officer & Vice President of Enrollment Management
Marshall University
Dr. Carol A. Rothstein
Jackson State Community College
Dr. Keith Russell
Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Western Washington University
Dr. Michael Sagas
Dean of the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management
University of South Carolina
Dr. Karin Scarpinato
Vice President for Research
Kennesaw State University
Christine Schaefer
Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Northland Pioneer College
Dr. Shane Schellpfeffer
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation
University of North Dakota
Dr. Carli Schiffner
Grays Harbor College
Dr. Michelle Schmidt
Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
Gettysburg College
Dr. Dianna Shandy
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Augustana College
Dr. Alan R. Shoho
Provost and Chief Academic Officer
New Mexico State University
Dr. Marc Singer
Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Northampton Community College
Dr. Tiffany Sippial
Dean of the Honors College
The University of Alabama
Adam Smith
Vice President for Enrollment
Ohio Wesleyan University
Dr. Bill Smith
Vice President for Communication
Luther College
Dr. Royce W. Smith
Dean of the College of the Arts
California State University, Long Beach
Dr. Royce W. Smith
Dean of the College of the Arts
California State University, Long Beach
Dr. Tonya Smith Brice
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Saint Martin’s University
Dr. Jeffrey P. Stein
Mary Baldwin University
Wendy Steinberg
Vice President for the Office of Communications, Marketing, and Public Affairs
Baruch College, CUNY
Dr. Andrew Stetson
Director of the School of Music
Texas Tech University
Terree Stevenson
Dean of Students
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Jeffrey Stinson
Dean of the George Johnson, Jr. College of Business and Economics
University of South Carolina Upstate
Dr. David A. Stringham
Dean of the School of Music
SUNY Fredonia
Dr. Daniel Taylor
Dean of the Michigan College of Optometry
Ferris State University
Dr. Christopher Thuot
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Springfield Technical Community College
Curtis Topper
Chief Financial Officer
Muhlenberg College
Dr. Chioma Ugochukwu
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Anna Maria College
Dr. Zach Underwood
Dean for University College
North Carolina Central University
Dr. Ann Vail
Dean of the Graduate School
University of South Carolina
Dr. Matthew P. vandenBerg
Ohio Wesleyan University
Dr. Damion Waymer
Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of South Carolina
Dr. Heather Weber
Executive Vice President of Administration and Operations
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Dr. Tynisha D. Willingham
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Eastern Mennonite University
Jovan Alexander Wilson
Director of University Bands
North Carolina Central University
Dr. Carla Swafford Works
Wesley Theological Seminary
Dr. James Worthen
Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education
Texas A&M University Texarkana
Dr. Brian Yontz
Wittenburg University
Dr. Grace Yoo
Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies
San Francisco State University
Dr. Stacy H. Young
Manchester University
Dr. Concetta Zak
Dean of the School of Nursing
Aurora University
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